Prof Kim Good-Jacobson
Laboratory Head
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Monash University
Research Activities
Progressive vaccine design and new therapeutics for B cell-derived cancers will rely on advances in our knowledge on the regulators that underpin B cell differentiation. Immune memory success relies on its adaptability: in response to different pathogens, variants of a single pathogen, and in balancing persistence with reactivation and terminal differentiation to plasma cells. This is likely achieved by producing a B cell memory population that is highly diverse.There are four different themes of our research into immunity formed after immunisation or viral infection. We study:(i) Genetic networks underlying the plasticity and diversity of antibody responses
(ii) Epigenetic regulation of memory B cell formation and responses
(iii) Molecular regulation of cellular migration during immune responses
(iv) Formation of atypical and classical memory in chronic infectious diseases.