Prof Trevor Lithgow

Director, Centre to Impact AMR
Department of Microbiology
Monash University

Research Activities

Antimicrobial resistance, Membrane proteinsBacteriophages, Structural and molecular biologyNanoscale imaging of bacteria


Bacterial molecular cell biology,
Molecular Cell Biology of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae,
Bacteriophage structure-function studies,
Robotics-based genetic screens, Cryo-electron microscopy, Subcellular fractionation and membrane isolation,
Biochemical assays (protein transport assays, blue-native PAGE, in situ cross-linking), Protein purification


Prof. Richard Strugnell (University of Melbourne)
Prof. Gordon Dougan (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute)
Prof. Tieli Zhou (Wenzhou Medical University)
Prof. Qiyu Bao (Wenzhou Medicla University)
Vijay Dhanasekaran (Monash University)
Jiangning Song (Monash University)

Genetically Modified Organisms

Escherichia coli
Klebsiella pneumoniae

Other Lab Members

Ms. Kher Shing Tan
Dr. Rhys Dunstan
Dr. Christopher Stubenrauch
Mr. Jiawei Wang
Ms. Rebecca Bamert
Ms. Natalia Rosas Bastidas
Ms. Manasa Bharathwaj
Dr. Jonathan Wilksch
Dr. Thung Young

Other members with similar research interests

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    Lorne Infection and Immunity Conference 2024

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  • Feb 19

    Lorne Infection and Immunity Conference 2024

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