Dr Julianne Bayliss
Research Fellow
Molecular Research and Development
Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory
Research Activities
- Characterisation of viral variants which are associated with specific clinical outcomes following chronic infection with HBV
- Pathogenesis of HBV associated hepatocellular carcinoma
- Monitoring of the response to antiviral treatment through the use of next generation sequencing techniques
- Molecular biology (traditional, real time, competitive and nested and triple nested PCR techniques)
- Cell culture (media preparation, viral transfection and cell stimulation/treatment)
- Nucleic acid extraction (RNA and DNA from fresh, frozen, fixed and archival tissues)
- Sequencing of PCR products (Sanger and Next Generation ultra deep- Roche 454 platform, Illumina MiSeq and QIAGEN PyroMark)
- Matrix assisted laser desorption/ionisation time of flight mass spectrometry (genotype analysis, microbial identification and cytokine quantification techniques)
- Laser capture microdissection (PALM System)
- Histology (sectioning of frozen and fixed tissue, immunoperoxidase and immunofluorescence techniques and staining of tissue)
- Sample processing (blood, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid, urine, fresh and frozen tissue, including handling of infectious materials)
- Statistical analysis (STATA12) (Basic univariate analysis of parametric and non parametric data, multivariate analysis including multiple linear and logistic regression modelling, ROC and survival analysis)
Ms Giovana BernardiDr Fabio Luciani
Prof Catriona McLean
A/Prof Peter Revill